Friday, October 4th, 2013
CREATION Poesie kann nur durch Poesie kritisiert werden. Friedrich Schlegel It is the apparent fate of the critic to live in a time of restoration. Poetry always already reaches him in ruins – ruins that are nevertheless prejudged and predetermined as some X, some cultural variable, to be further judged, determined and ‘explained’. Restoration […]
Sunday, September 22nd, 2013
L’égalité veut d’autres lois. Eugène Pottier Het moderne gedicht heeft geen vorm maar consistentie (die gevoeld wordt), geen inhoud maar een probleem (dat uitgewerkt wordt). Consistentie + probleem = compositie. Het probleem van de moderne poëzie is het kapitalisme. Het kapitalisme – waar geen beeld van is: de niet te representeren Idee van […]
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013
TOWARDS A DELEUZIAN POETICS Article written for an unpublished book edited by Frans-Willem Korsten and Vincent Meelberg. Poetry is often understood to be “located” somewhere on a line running from language to music. Louis Zukofsky, the twentieth century American poet, even defined poetry as an integral with lower limit speech and upper limit music. According […]
Thursday, July 4th, 2013
What interests us in romanticism is that we still belong to the era it opened up. Nancy and Lacoue-Labarthe (1988:8) But in order to render myself intelligible I must previously, in as few words as possible, explain my ideas, first, of a poem; and secondly, of poetry itself, in kind and in essence. Coleridge (1982:171) […]
Thursday, October 3rd, 2013
This is the abstract of Jeroen Mettes’ uncompleted PhD — “Modern Western poetry is historically defined by its break with traditional forms. The caesura that separates poetic tradition from poetic modernity, however, is not simply a matter of one poetics being replaced by another poetics, i.e., a new set of forms; a full crise […]
Saturday, September 21st, 2013
Nein! Nein! Drei Mal Nein! Das weiss ich besser! Es gibt noch glückselige Inseln! Zarathustra — De taal van de dichter is die van de gemeenschap, welke die ook moge zijn. Octavio Paz — Le désir est un exil, le désir est un désert. Deleuze en Guattari — 1 1999. Een dag is ook een […]
Sunday, August 4th, 2013
PART I: CHAOTIC BEGINNING 1. CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES TO MODERN POETRY 2. THE CRITICAL AGE Gib nach dem löblichen Verlangen, Von vorn die Schöpfung anzufangen! Goethe 3: 273 Der Idealismus ist der Mittelpunkt und die Grundlage der deutschen Literatur. Friedrich Schlegel In the previous chapter I attempted to show the relative inadequacy of current […]